All about Fortnitemares
If you are a Fornite fan then you’ve got to love Fortnitemares. For beginners, Fortnitemares is a seasonal event within the Fortnite game. There are a number of quests that rotate during the Halloween season as a part of Fortnitemares. Fortnitemares bring back its annual event that celebrates the occasion of Halloween every year. Trick-or-treat may be difficult all thanks to covid but gamers still have a place to enjoy the winter season inside their favorite games. Want to know more? Read on to know all about Fortnitemares

Fortnightmares has brought various quests and even new cosmetics that need to be unlocked. These limited challenges and cosmetics were only available during this season. If you love bornite then you will have to manage your time in order to unlock these rewards. The quests are easy to compete in and players will have enough time to finish these and pick a new game, all in just a few days as soon as the event goes live. Here are the fortnitemares rewards and quests that players have to complete:
Quest: Complete Ariana Grande’s Monster Hunter Punchcard
Reward: All-Weather Extractor pickaxe
Quest: Complete Dark Jonesy’s The Oracle Speaks Punchcard
Reward: Cube Cruiser glider
Quest: Complete 20 Horde Rush challenges
Reward: Cube Queen skin
Quest: Earn a team score of at least 400,000 in Horde Rush
Reward: Fortnitemares spray
Quest: Complete two Fortnitemares quests
Reward: Moonlit Duel loading screen
Quest: Complete a Fortnitemares quest
Reward: Raven’s Curse spray
Quest: Earn 2,000,000 combined team points in the Horde Rush mode
Reward: Thinking Juice back bling
Quest: Complete three Fortnitemares quests
Reward: Wrathful Breakout Contrail

Ariana Grande’s Monster Hunter Punchcard and the Dark Jonesy’s Oracle speaks Punchcard have 5 quests each, which means they take longer to complete as compared to the others. Some of these punchcard challenges need players to do specific tasks around the map. The mini-map does help guide you around, but the process can be sped up by the walkthrough guides given on YouTube. So don’t waste your time and find the items and win the game.